There's been a lot of conversation this week in my world about the importance of networking and building networks and it's a topic which I love and an activity which has changed a lot since I first entered corporate life back in 2006.
During the development I received as a graduate, one of the sessions we had was on this very topic; networking and how to do it effectively. I will never forget the stellar advice I received in that session. The context for the session was that of a networking event - a specific meeting where people got together in a room, just to network. You were encouraged to walk up to people and introduce yourself with your first name and then your full name and a firm handshake. "Matt, Matt Davies. Nice to meet you!" And, of course, to hand them a business card as you did so, to cement the fact that this was definitely your name and give them the means by which to contact you, if they had any further questions about your name or whether it might have changed in the time since you met.

So naturally, we all did exactly as we'd been asked to. And it was bizarre! People throughout the room, approaching one another in a stilted and unnatural way, each introducing themselves like a pound shop James Bond, not attempting to strike up any kind of conversation. Cue lots of hilarity and then, as I recall, we moved onto the next topic!
So let's think about how the way in which people think and talk about networking has changed. Well first of all, the context that was used in the demonstration is something that's now pretty rare. I hear lots of people talk about events which offer networking opportunities but standalone networking events are fewer and further between, probably partly because face to face events are still fewer and further between in the post-pandemic era, but also probably largely because they're cheesy and unnatural. Forcing people to make conversation is not a recipe for success. In those situations you could see people working the room like a shady politician, pressing the flesh, gathering business cards, but to what end? Without some sort of meaningful interaction, what were you hanging the relationship on? When you picked up the phone to a person who you'd taken a business card from, three months later, what were you going to say to them? 'Hello, you might remember me because we met for two minutes last quarter and I took your business card'?
So what does work? Well the main thing is that networking, when it's done well, is not an event or an activity, it's a behaviour. And as I spoke about last week, if you're going to develop yourself in anything, one of the important things is motivation. You have to WANT to get better at it. So let's start there. Why is it important and why should it be important to you?
Of course there are lots of reasons, but let's pick the obvious three. Firstly, having a broad network helps you with visibility, which helps you to progress your career. You might remember one of the most popular blogs I've ever written, way back at the beginning of 2022 where I discussed the PIE model for career success (Performance, Image and Exposure). Exposure is all about networking. Who do you know and who knows you?
Secondly, organisations, especially big organisations are often very complicated places and the flow of information and visibility of what goes on across the organisation is often not very good. So if you want to know about other projects or initiatives which are taking place, other people who are working on interesting things, other tools or technologies which are being deployed, or even other jobs of interest to you or even potential job opportunities, it is MUCH easier to do this with a broad and active network.
And thirdly, if you find yourself in a situation where you need help, perhaps with solving a problem or accessing resources, it's much easier to get that help with a broader network.
One of the leaders this week who was talking me through a personal growth plan he's been preparing for a course he's attending, spoke about his desire to 'develop my network, even if there's no immediate payoff' and that's a beautiful way to approach the challenge. Make it something you just do, not something you do only when you need something. Show interest in people, ask about their work, ask about their lives and hobbies if they open up about them. Do it reactively if you bump into them in a meeting or a less formal setting. Do it proactively if you see or hear or read something they've done that interests you. Find genuine, honest reasons to start conversations with people and challenge yourself to try new method of approach. Face to face, email, social media, picking up the phone. Follow your passions and interests. Share things that you've done or found which might interest people in your existing network.
There's something else, too, which highlights a strange place where networking and building influence meet. Asking someone for help, increases your influence with that person. On the face of it, that might seem counter intuitive. But by asking for help, you're showing authenticity and vulnerability, you're showing the other party is valuable to you and you're building a shared experience. And it doesn't need to be something hugely resource intensive that you ask for; why not ask people in your existing network who they know who might be a useful connection to help with a given problem or to share ideas on a given subject. Allow them to open their network up to you.
Networking when it's done well is about making a connection with someone. The best networking is authentic, honest and genuine and it happens organically, not in a false, robotic, stilted way like in my early experience.
What tips do you have on building networks? What's worked for you in the past? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! And in the meantime, it's family holiday time so there'll be no blog for the next couple of weeks, but thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts and I'll be back with you soon!